[NAME] Campaign

Everything you need to know about the [NAME] campaign.

Campaign Overview

{: #overview .alert .alert-gitlab-orange}

Business Objectives

{: #business-objectives}

Campaign Visual

{: #campaign-visual}

MURAL goes here

Campaign Pages & Activities

{: #campaign-activities}

See the FY22 Marketing Calendar for upcoming virtual events

Always On Lead Generation:

  • 📚 Content |
  • 📹 On-Demand Webinar |

Research & Prep

{: .alert #research-prep .alert-gitlab-orange}

Persona & Positioning

{: #persona-positioning .gitlab-purple}

  • Level:
  • Function:

Keyword Research

{: #keyword-research .gitlab-purple}

Polished Messaging

{: #polished-messaging .gitlab-purple}

Buyer Journeys, Content & Emails

{: .alert #content-emails .alert-gitlab-orange}

Prescriptive Buyer Journeys

{: #buyer-journey .gitlab-purple}

Individual Contributor

{: #buyer-journey-ic}

  1. Awareness Content:
  2. Consideration Content:
  3. Decision/Purchase Content:


{: #buyer-journey-manager}

  1. Awareness Content:
  2. Consideration Content:
  3. Decision/Purchase Content:

Marketo Nurture Emails

{: #nurture-emails .gitlab-purple}

Outreach Emails

{: #outreach-emails .gitlab-purple}

Behind the Scenes

{: .alert #research-prep .alert-gitlab-orange}

Campaign Execution Documentation & Resources

{: #campaign-execution .gitlab-purple}

- [Campaign Epic]()
- [Project timeline plan (GANTT)]()
- [Copy Doc]()